Our values

Our values

Mission: to provide our customers with a personalized, efficient and quality logistic service, offering our workers the possibility of achieving a desired professional and personal development while minimizing the environmental impact.

Vision: to be a leading logistics company in all sectors in which we operate, offering a complete and specialized logistics service, based on the development of human capital and using the most advanced technology, with the firm purpose of respect for our environment.


  • Loyalty
  • Enthusiasm
  • Proximity
  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Loyalty
  • Commitment
  • Humanity

Social Responsibility

The social responsibility has always been present in Sertranin since its creation. We truly believe that our activity must be based on making a positive contribution to society and all of its stakeholders. This principle is born from the management body and reaches every employee within the company.

This way of thinking and acting translates into an ethical, transparent and trustworthy behavior with each collaborator. Thanks to our business culture, at Sertranin we have found different ways to contribute to our social atmosphere, carrying out the following processes:

  • Football teams sponsorships
  • Cycling team sponsorships
  • Collaboration with senior citizen associations
  • Collaboration with Manos Unidas
  • Collaboration with Unicef
  • Collaboration with the Red Cross
  • Employment program for workers with some kind of disability




In our organization, we are completely committed to respect the environment. To inspire this feeling throughout all employee-level, we often perform awareness campaigns based on saving water, diminish the use of artificial light, paper, etc.

Moreover, our vehicle fleet is 2 years old on average, so all our trailers comply with Euro 5 and Euro 6 regulation.

Environmental policy

In Grupo Sertranin, we understand the environment as a basic principle. This is why we are certified in the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard and we have defined the following Environmental Policy:

  • The organizational development and the use of natural resources must be done in a sustainable way, without compromising future generations.
  • Proactive management at all levels of decision-making, emphasizing the preventive nature of our actions on the environment. Priority of preventive measures over corrective ones.
  • Commitment of using the best available (and most economically viable) techniques to reduce waste and emissions to the atmosphere.
  • Compliance with all applicable environmental legislation, as well as plans and programs voluntarily signed.
  • Identification and evaluation of all environmental aspects in which the organization could cause the greatest impact, committing itself to the rational use of resources and the promotion of good environmental practices.
  • Involvement and motivation of all employees in the continuous respect for the environment, promoting the development of an environmental culture.
  • Coordination of environmental management with all our suppliers and subcontractors, to ensure that they comply with our environmental policy.
  • Commitment to the review and continuous improvement of the implemented Environmental Management System, so that it remains active and effective.
  • Commitment to the protection of the environment.


GPS Location

At Sertranin we are aware that efficient and quality service to our customers is one of our goals.

To achieve this objective, in 2008 we incorporated a GPS tracking system in all our vehicles, which allows us to offer our customers the real time situation of their goods.

This location system also allows us to optimize the performance of the vehicles, making the most of driving hours and rest times.


At Sertranin’s facilities, teaching and training courses are constantly held for the drivers of the vehicles, in order to improve efficiency and practicality in their driving.

On the other hand, we also carry out courses for training in the stowage of goods and their correct fastening.

With this we intend to offer a better service to our customers.

medio ambiente sertranin

Quality policy

In order to ensure that the requirements demanded by both our clients and current legislation are met, at Grupo Sertranin we have developed a policy that constitutes the basis for the Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The ways through which the Group improves the management of its processes are:

  1. Achieving continuous improvement of its processes through the application and compliance with the international standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015.
  2. The establishment of improvement objectives consistent with the needs of the companies that are part of the Group.
  3. The commitment of all employees (starting from Senior Management) to fulfill the objectives set through the knowledge of these objectives and the periodic review of the compliance with those throughout the year.
  4. Involvement in customer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of our suppliers and contractors, letting them know the needs of our company’s processes and providing them with support for their fulfilment.
  5. Keeping the organization’s personnel up to date with innovations and regulatory changes within the field of goods transportation.
  6. Constant commitment to comply with customer requirements, as well as with all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our activities.

Food Safety Policy

Our business policy is based on being a leading logistics company in all the sectors in which we operate, offering a complete and specialized logistics service, relying on the development of human capital and using the most advanced technology, with a firm commitment to respecting our environment.
Our commitment is to provide our clients with a personalized, efficient, and high-quality logistics service.

Excellence is achieved every day through the pride, dedication, and quality of work from all employees, in accordance with current legislation.


Our objectives:

  • Obtain GMP+ certification
  • Achieve a zero-incident rate in GMP+ food safety
  • Achieve a customer complaint rate of <5%

Therefore, we commit to reinforcing the level of demand regarding Quality and Food Safety requirements, and to:

  • Develop a quality and food safety process that complies with GMP+ standards, applicable legislation (on feed), and customer requirements;
  • Guarantee our clients the safety and integrity of their products during the transport stage;
  • Continuously improve the implemented Management System through internal and external system audits.

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